
Looking for the rays of light in this cloud-covered town

Perfecting Cheesecake — November 18, 2012

Perfecting Cheesecake

I remember the first time my mom made cheesecake. She had the pleasure at a friend or relative’s house and asked for the recipe. The particular recipe was supposed to be better because it was a “no-crust” cheesecake. I tried it and thought, eh, it tastes like cream cheese. I was not impressed.

I cannot recall at what point in my adulthood I became enamored with cheesecake. Perhaps it was around the time when the Cheesecake Factory exploded in popularity, but I am certain it was due to the recognition that tasting like cream cheese was not actually a bad thing. I also realized that the recipe is quite simple, and the result is a sophisticated dessert that easily impresses. Although I only realized my cheesecakes were not perfect from a book. Continue reading